On Monday’s #GeneralHospital, it’s goodbye to Valentin for now. Plus, Ava pairs Portia and Nina up against Drew, and Jason makes Carly a chilling promise. Valentin Says Goodbye to Charlotte as He’s Taken to Steinmauer by Brennan

At the hospital, Lucas confides in Liz that Brad has been blackmailing Portia. He believes Brad did it to try and get back with him, and that’s why she let him go to the symposium. Liz wonders what Brad has on her. Lucas doesn’t know, and he didn’t want to know. Liz says they have to neutralize him. Lucas agrees and feels responsible, as Brad did this to worm his way back into his life. Liz asks, “Did he?” Lucas says no way, but Liz knows he has a soft spot for him, just like she does for Ric.

Lucas confides in Liz GH

Liz then recalls Portia met with Ric, but why would she hire him? Liz worries Portia could be caught up in something they can’t turn away from if they knew what it was. Liz argues if Portia would put herself and the hospital at risk, then it must be bad. Liz says they can’t hide from this and are professionally obligated to figure out what is going on. Lucas agrees.

Liz and Lucas scheme GH

Ava Knows How to Help Portia

In Portia’s office, she hopes the press conference will get Drew off her back, at least for the time being. Ava asks what she’s going to do if it doesn’t. Portia looks at Drew’s medical folder. Ava says using anything in that file would be a HIPPA violation, and it would just compound what got her in this situation.

Portia's in trouble and Ava has advice GH

Ava thinks Portia should tell Curtis the truth. Portia cries it’s too late, and secrets destroyed his marriage to Jordan. She’s about to lose everything: her marriage, her career, and her freedom. Ava says she needs resources that can’t be tied back to her, an ally against Drew.


Jason Makes a Promise to Carly

In Carly’s room, Jason tells Carly her life depends on staying away from Jack Brennan. He tells her the WSB is an entirely different world from Sonny’s. Carly yells at Jason that’s what is bothering him. Jacks’s world is not his world. Jason tells her she doesn’t know Jack’s world, and that the device that hurt Michael is tech that only agencies like the WSB have. He’s trying to make her realize the risks she’s taking. Carly’s heard the same spiel about Sonny, and how many times did Sam hear it about him?

Jason is upset with Carly GH

Jason tells her to leave Sam out of this, but she won’t. Sam made the decision to stick by Jason and get out when she couldn’t handle his life. Carly needs to be allowed to make the same choice regarding Jack. Carly says if she’s wrong about Jack, she’s betting Jason will still have her back. She knows she’s made bad decisions, but he never quit on her, so don’t start now.

Carly cries to Jason GH

Jason tells Carly by keeping Brennan in her life, she’ll always have to worry about her kids’ safety. However, what she really needs to worry about is what it will do to Brennan. She’s confused. Jason tells her that he promises her whatever happens to her, happens to him. If she gets hurt, he gets hurt. If she dies because of Jack, he’ll kill him. Jason walks out of the room, leaving Carly stunned.Carly is stunned GH

Nina’s Caught Red Handed

Nina snoops GH

At Drew’s, Nina rummages through his safe and seems to find something, but quickly puts it back and shuts the safe when she hears something. She makes her way to the door, which is when Drew shouts from the living room, “Did you lock the safe?” Drew says he’ll save her the trouble; there is nothing in there of use to her. Nina says she’s only trying to protect Willow and the kids, as if they move in, then Willow will her children. He accuses her of using the kids as cover, and she is jealous and still wants him. He says if she can’t have him, Willow can’t either.

Drew catches Nina GH

Nina calls him delirious and insists this is about her daughter and grandchildren. Nina says he may have Willow snowed, but she wants to know exactly how he is going to keep her daughter from losing her children if she moves in with him. Suddenly, Willow walks in and asks Nina what she’s doing.

Willow won't believe Nina GH

Drew explains he came home and found Nina, who had a lot to say to him. Willow assumes she was trying to convince Drew that she and the kids shouldn’t move in. Willow says she’s been patient with her mom, but this feels manipulating. Nina again says Michael will have to be accommodated, and she’s sorry she went behind her back, but clearly, they can figure this out on their own. Nina exits.

Nina aGH

Drew swears he would have told her about his conversation with Nina even if she hadn’t caught them. She is counting on it, as he never lies to her, so she needs him to be honest now. Could she lose her children if she moves in with him? He tells her that Nina has her worried for no reason. He’s a congressman, and that outweighs Michael’s reach. Willow points out Michael still has Sonny and the Quartermaines. Drew says at his core, Michael is a good man, and his kids are the most important thing to him. He believes they have plenty of room to compromise, and he promises he won’t let her lose her kids.

Drew lies to WIllow GH

Ava Forms a Team

Back at the hospital, Nina arrives to meet Ava in Portia’s office. Nina hopes Ava isn’t sick. Ava explains she brought them together because they both want to take down Drew. She doesn’t know how they’ll get it done, but she trusts them to come up with something. She leaves them to get to work.

Ava introduces Nina and Porta GH

Nina says she respects Portia, and she trusts Ava, so she assumes Portia is as desperate as she is to bring down Drew. Nina doesn’t need to know Portia’s reasons, but she is doing this for her daughter and her grandchildren. She says with Drew, he always wants more. Portia agrees, and they need to end this hold Drew has on them, so she’s in.

Time to Say Goodbye

In the PCPD interrogation room, Valentin asks Alexis to take care of his daughter. Alexis says she has Lulu and Laura, but Valentin is talking about her being the Cassadine trustee. He is friends with the lawyers in Greece, and it was he who made sure Ava’s money was taken back, and he is why Alexis was made trustee. He needs her to make sure Charlotte is taken care of financially.

Valentin's request for Alexis GH

Alexis says her hands are tied, and she has to protect the estate for Ace until he’s twenty-one. She can’t even skim som money for Charlotte, but she will make sure Charlotte has everything she needs, including all the love and support she could ever want. She doesn’t know why he did what he did, but she never doubted his love for his daughter. Bringing her home was the right thing to do.

In the station, Charlotte arrives and tells Anna she knows her Papa is here and wants to see him.

Charlotte wants to see her dad GH

Lulu soon arrives, having received Anna’s call. She was already on her way as she figured Charlotte had snuck out. Anna explains Charlotte is in her office, but Valentin is likely headed to Steinmauer for life. This may be the last time Charlotte sees her father, and Anna would like her to consider letting Charlotte say goodbye. Anna says it would be good for both of them. Lulu thinks Anna wants this more for Valentin’s sake than Charlotte, and she’s going to get her daughter.

Anna speaks to Lulu GH

Alexa steps out, sees Lulu with Anna, and asks if she’s here to see Valentin. Lulu explains she’s here to get her daughter, who snuck out of the house to see her father. Anna heads to see Valentin.

Lulu and Alexis have a moment

Alexis says she looks well and will leave her. Lulu stops her and says she owes her two things: her gratitude and an apology. Lulu should have come to see her before now and admits she’s been afraid to face her. She also was worried she wouldn’t want to see her. Lulu says she’s sorry she couldn’t face her, she’s sorry for her loss and she is so grateful to Sam. Alexis embraces her, and Lulu thanks her.

Anna checks on Valentin GH

Anna checks on Valentin. She tells him that Lulu and Charlotte are here, and she is trying to arrange for him to see Charlotte one last time. Valentin tells Anna she’s saved him in so many ways. Anna doesn’t know why she couldn’t have left it alone: the WSB, Pikeman, the lies. Why did he let them pull him back in? Valentin says he was never free, but Anna doesn’t believe that. Why did he put himself in a position where he could lose it all? He cries, “For you.”

Brennan Grills Joss

At the WSB, Brennan watches as Vaughan and another man administer a lie detector test to Joss. She’s asked if she blames Sonny for Morgan’s death, but she doesn’t. She blames the person who set the bomb. When asked what she’d do if she came face to face with them, the needles begins to go a bit crazy. She eventually calms herself down and says she’d subdue the person and call the police. Vaughan tells Brennan she’s done excellent.

JOss takes lie detector test GH

Vaughan leaves them to talk, and Joss asks what that question about her brother was about. She calls it a low blow. He says it was a test, and she needs to be able to control her emotions and lie through her teeth. Can she do that? Joss asks what’s the next test, and he tells her that her mom is in the hospital with polonium poisoning. She’s been given the antidote and will recover. Joss asks if she can see her. Jack says she can, but if she leaves, she won’t be coming back.

Brennan faces Joss GH

Brennan shows her a live feed of Carly’s room, and Joss sees she’s with Jason. Joss calms down but asks how this happened. Was he the target? Brennan tells her it was Valentin who sent champagne to his room, and Carly drank it while he was in the shower. Joss asks if he cares about her mother or if he is using her. Jack asks if it matters.

JOss warns Brennan GH

Joss says it’s clear they are seeing other, so it matters if he is using her and doesn’t care about her mother. Jack says she could go warn her mother, but then she’d never be an agent. She’ll be another soul searching for her place in the world. Joss says she’s not leaving. Jack is glad and has to get back to Port Charles. Joss warns him if he’s using her mother, she’ll find out, as her mom is not stupid. Jack agrees.

Joss Vaughan spar GH

Joss suits up, and we see her ankle is red and swollen. She and Vaughan get back to their sparing, and he continues to antagonize her about not having what it takes. When he brings up that he was watching her and Brennan discussing her mom, he catches her off guard and takes her down. She tells him that was a private conversation. He says the WSB sees and hears everything. He continues to push her buttons, and notes she could bail her mom out from Brennan right now, so what’s stopping her?

Untill Next Time

Back at the PCPD,  Charlotte returns to the squad room where her mom and Alexis are. She asks her mom to see her Papa. Alexis notes it’s good to be able to say goodbye. Lulu takes Charlotte into the interrogation room to see him. She rushes into his arms, and they hug. He tells Lulu, “Thank you.”

Brennan appears and tells Valentin, “It’s time, your chariot awaits.” Jack signs papers, and Anna releases Valentin into Jack’s custody. She says to make sure he arrives safely, otherwise, she’ll hold him responsible. Valentin is chained and allowed to say goodbye to his daughter once last time. He tells her he loves her always and asks Lulu to take good care of their girl. Lulu promises. Valentin looks back at everyone before exiting and says, “Till next time.”

On the next General Hospital, Tracy asks Brook Lynn what’s gotten into her mother. Emma, with Gio by her side, says, “We’ve come up with a plan to save it.” Lucas tells Ava, “You couldn’t pay me to touch that money.” At the WSB, Vaughan learns Joss has been hiding an ankle injury for two days.” Carly meets with Jack in his office and asks him to let her talk. Liz asks Ric how much trouble Portia is in. Kristina tells her dad, “Now is your chance.” At the office, Lulu says, “I quit!”

𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 “𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒂𝒈𝒆 & 𝑾𝒆𝒃𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆: 𝒇𝙞𝒍𝙢𝒔𝙥𝒐𝙞𝒍𝙚𝒓𝙨.𝙞𝒏𝙛𝒐” 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧-𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬.

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